Eye movement recordings of 69 native English speakers and 296 English learners reading Wall Street Journal (WSJ) newswire sentences. Each participant reads 156 sentences: 78 sentences shared across participants and 78 unique to each participant.
CELER: A 365-Participant Corpus of Eye Movements in L1 and L2 English Reading
Yevgeni Berzak,
Chie Nakamura,
Amelia Smith,
Emily Weng,
Boris Katz,
Suzanne Flynn,
and Roger Levy
We present CELER (Corpus of Eye Movements in L1 and L2 English Reading), a broad coverage eye-tracking corpus for English. CELER comprises over 320,000 words, and eye-tracking data from 365 participants. Sixty-nine participants are L1 (first language) speakers, and 296 are L2 (second language) speakers from a wide range of English proficiency levels and five different native language backgrounds. As such, CELER has an order of magnitude more L2 participants than any currently available eye movements dataset with L2 readers. Each participant in CELER reads 156 newswire sentences from the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), in a new experimental design where half of the sentences are shared across participants and half are unique to each participant. We provide analyses that compare L1 and L2 participants with respect to standard reading time measures, as well as the effects of frequency, surprisal, and word length on reading times. These analyses validate the corpus and demonstrate some of its strengths. We envision CELER to enable new types of research on language processing and acquisition, and to facilitate interactions between psycholinguistics and natural language processing (NLP).
OneStopQA is a multiple choice reading comprehension dataset annotated according to the STARC (Structured Annotations for Reading Comprehension) scheme. The reading materials are Guardian articles taken from the OneStopEnglish corpus. Each article comes in three difficlty levels, Elementary, Intermediate and Advanced. Each paragraph is annotated with three multiple choice reading comprehension questions. The reading comprehension questions can be answered based on any of the three paragraph levels.
STARC: Structured Annotations for Reading Comprehension
Yevgeni Berzak,
Jonathan Malmaud,
and Roger Levy
In Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
We present STARC (Structured Annotations for Reading Comprehension), a new annotation framework for assessing reading comprehension with multiple choice questions. Our framework introduces a principled structure for the answer choices and ties them to textual span annotations. The framework is implemented in OneStopQA, a new high-quality dataset for evaluation and analysis of reading comprehension in English. We use this dataset to demonstrate that STARC can be leveraged for a key new application for the development of SAT-like reading comprehension materials: automatic annotation quality probing via span ablation experiments. We further show that it enables in-depth analyses and comparisons between machine and human reading comprehension behavior, including error distributions and guessing ability. Our experiments also reveal that the standard multiple choice dataset in NLP, RACE, is limited in its ability to measure reading comprehension. 47% of its questions can be guessed by machines without accessing the passage, and 18% are unanimously judged by humans as not having a unique correct answer. OneStopQA provides an alternative test set for reading comprehension which alleviates these shortcomings and has a substantially higher human ceiling performance.
The Treebank of Learner English (TLE) is a collection of 5,124 English as a Second Language (ESL) sentences (97,681 words), manually annotated with POS tags and dependency trees in the Universal Dependencies formalism. The dataset represents upper-intermediate level adult English learners from 10 native language backgrounds, with over 500 sentences for each native language. The sentences were drawn from the Cambridge Learner Corpus First Certificate in English (FCE) corpus.
Universal Dependencies for Learner English
Yevgeni Berzak,
Jessica Kenney,
Carolyn Spadine,
Jing Xian Wang,
Lucia Lam,
Keiko Sophie Mori,
Sebastian Garza,
and Boris Katz
In Proceedings of the 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
We introduce the Treebank of Learner English (TLE), the first publicly available syntactic treebank for English as a Second Language (ESL). The TLE provides manually annotated POS tags and Universal Dependency (UD) trees for 5,124 sentences from the Cambridge First Certificate in English (FCE) corpus. The UD annotations are tied to a pre-existing error annotation of the FCE, whereby full syntactic analyses are provided for both the original and error corrected versions of each sentence. Further on, we delineate ESL annotation guidelines that allow for consistent syntactic treatment of ungrammatical English. Finally, we benchmark POS tagging and dependency parsing performance on the TLE dataset and measure the effect of grammatical errors on parsing accuracy. We envision the treebank to support a wide range of linguistic and computational research on second language acquisition as well as automatic processing of ungrammatical language. The treebank is available at universaldependencies.org. The annotation manual used in this project and a graphical query engine are available at esltreebank.org.
We present a study on two key characteristics of human syntactic annotations: anchoring and agreement. Anchoring is a well known cognitive bias in human decision making, where judgments are drawn towards pre-existing values. We study the influence of anchoring on a standard approach to creation of syntactic resources where syntactic annotations are obtained via human editing of tagger and parser output. Our experiments demonstrate a clear anchoring effect and reveal unwanted consequences, including overestimation of parsing performance and lower quality of annotations in comparison with human-based annotations. Using sentences from the Penn Treebank WSJ, we also report systematically obtained inter-annotator agreement estimates for English dependency parsing. Our agreement results control for parser bias, and are consequential in that they are on par with state of the art parsing performance for English newswire. We discuss the impact of our findings on strategies for future annotation efforts and parser evaluations.
Language and Vision Ambiguities (LAVA) is a multimodal corpus that supports the study of ambiguous language grounded in vision. The corpus contains ambiguous sentences coupled with visual scenes that depict the different interpretations of each sentence. LAVA sentences cover a wide range of linguistic ambiguities, including PP and VP attachment, conjunctions, logical form, anaphora and ellipsis.
Do You See What I Mean? Visual Resolution of Linguistic Ambiguities
Yevgeni Berzak,
Andrei Barbu,
Daniel Harari,
Boris Katz,
and Shimon Ullman
In Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Understanding language goes hand in hand with the ability to integrate complex contextual information obtained via perception. In this work, we present a novel task for grounded language understanding: disambiguating a sentence given a visual scene which depicts one of the possible interpretations of that sentence. To this end, we introduce a new multimodal corpus containing ambiguous sentences, representing a wide range of syntactic, semantic and discourse ambiguities, coupled with videos that visualize the different interpretations for each sentence. We address this task by extending a vision model which determines if a sentence is depicted by a video. We demonstrate how such a model can be adjusted to recognize different interpretations of the same underlying sentence, allowing to disambiguate sentences in a unified fashion across the different ambiguity types.